Participants tab: Written Allegation

This tab is used to identify the individuals and organizations, known as participants, that represent the interested parties on Common Pleas cases. Upon reaching this tab, the list of participants must be established or reviewed for accuracy. From a PACFile perspective, the police officer that creates a written allegation serves two important roles. This individual is considered both the 'submitter', or the person sending the filing to the court, and the affiant on the new Delinquency case.

As the submitter, the pertinent case participants must be identified through this tab.

Identifying the Affiant & the Prosecution

In PACFile, only the affiant has the authority to create a written allegation. As a result, the individual creating a written allegation is automatically added to the Participants tab in the role of the affiant. The affiant's name is determined by the name that is associated to the UJS Web Portal account being used to create the filing. No additions or changes should be necessary for this participant.

The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania also appears as a default participant, in the role of the prosecution, and no additions or changes should be necessary.



Adding the Juvenile

The juvenile is the central participant of any Delinquency case and must be added to all written allegations. Click the Add Participant icon Add Participant icon to open the Add/Edit Participant popup screen and complete the following steps to add this individual to the case:

Tip: This action displays a popup screen that features several tabs used for recording information about the participant.


In the Contact Information tab, enter the name of the juvenile in the First Name and Last Name fields. The Middle Name can also be entered, if known.


Click on the Role dropdown and select Juvenile.


If known, enter the home address of the juvenile.


(Optional) Click on the Demographic Information tab and enter any available information about the juvenile. None, some, or all the fields can be populated. If entered, some of the information recorded (i.e. Race, Hair Color, Eye Color, Weight, and Height) will appear on the written allegation form that is created in the Filing Documents tab.


(Optional) Click on the Identifying Information tab and enter any available information about the juvenile. None, some, or all the fields can be populated. If entered, some of the information recorded (i.e. Driver's License Number, FBI Numbers, Fingerprint Classification) will appear on the written allegation form that is created in the Filing Documents tab.


Click SAVE to add the juvenile participant to the filing.

Tip: Steps 5 & 6 are optional, but if you want any of this information to appear on the electronic version of the written allegation, it must be recorded in the appropriate tabs. This information cannot be typed into the electronic form.



Adding Other Participants

Following the addition of the juvenile to a written allegation, no additional action needs to be taken unless there are other individuals involved with the case such as victims, co-offenders, parents/guardians, etc. If any of these participants need to be added, follow the steps under the Adding the Juvenile section above and be sure to note the appropriate role for that individual/organization in Step 3. Steps 5 and 6 will not always apply to other participants.

After all participants are added, click NEXT to proceed to the Counsel tab.